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The niu collection is designed and produced in Switzerland. Being close to the manufacturer makes it easier for us to meet our customers’ individual needs. We are also happy to offer you custom-made furniture for your project or your home. The furniture is drawn according to your ideas and we check dimensions and feasibility.
Surface treatment
The surface treatment is oiled as standard. The furniture is available lacquered with clear lacquer at the same price. The furniture can be lacquered in colour, ash is used for this. Stained or bleached surface on request.
Coloured lacquer for furniture (ash) up to 45 cm high:
• black and white, same price like oak version
• individual RAL colour 150 CHF surcharge
Colour lacquering for furniture (ash) up to 74 cm high:
• black and white 100 CHF surcharge
• individual RAL colour 200 CHF surcharge
Table length/size
The length of the “rectangular dining table” and the diameter of the “round dining table” can be freely selected. The table price is calculated at the next higher dimension.
Example: 230 x 100 x h74cm at the same price as for
240 x 100 x h74cm
Table width
Larger table widths from 100 to 120 cm can be realised.
Table width 100 to 110 cm 150 CHF surcharge
Table width 110 to 120 cm 300 CHF surcharge
Edge finish
Edge finishes which deviate from the predefined edge can be realised after consultation with niuform with a surcharge
of 100 CHF. Example: visible edge 28 mm, 100 CHF surcharge
Invisible Wood connection
For furniture up to 74 cm high, the wooden wedge connection can be made invisible. Surcharge on request.
Wood type
The realisation in another wood, which deviates from the standard woods, is realisable in consultation.
Niuform will check proportions and feasibility and prepare a quotation.